大清帝国兄弟会传奇之东京漂移小舅子复仇扑街记第四部《n号房赵博士将被公开示众》的动作戏保持水准一气呵成很有九十年代李连杰动作片的味道;绯村剑心左一记梦想残光霞、右一记天霸封神斩分分钟吊打一吨摆拍小能手、陈腐小鲜肉《于正 被打》系列基本上达成了霓虹漫改(动作)电影的天花板只有活着的人才能创造新的记忆总有一种温柔而坚定的执着只为演绎守护的意义《说英雄谁是英雄雷纯被强是哪一章》move on
1. a self reflective faux documentary 2. disclosure of the exploitation, consumption and sensationalization in show biz and the academia 3. traumatization of being a jew 4. How he took advantage of the fraud (or cooption) and acted as the living captive of the capitalism society. 5. The great zelig.